Developmental Dynamics SUGIMOTO LAB.
Department of Integrative Life Sciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
Laboratory of Developmental Dynamics
Sugimoto Lab.

From a single fertilized egg, cells divide, transform, and migrate to create the complex shapes of individual animals. What molecular mechanisms regulate this dynamic cellular transformation?
To answer this question, we conduct research using a nematode
C. elegans, which has a small number of cells (approximately 1,000 cells) and whose genome information has been well-characterized.
Using advanced microscopy techniques and genome modification technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9, we are analyzing the phenomena underlying developmental process. We also focus on evolutionary developmental biology research by comparative analysis of C. elegans and its relatives.
・飯塚稜 (東北大学・杉本研究室)
The dauer state of C. inopinata can be induced by fig-derived bacteria
・上床直紀 (Naoki Uwatoko) (東北大学大学院生命科学研究科・杉本研究室) Contribution of telomere-binding proteins to programmed DNA elimination in Caenorhabditis auriculariae / 線虫 Caenorhabditis auriculariae の染色体削減におけるテロメア結合タンパク質群の寄与
・秦梨伽子 (東北大学 杉本研究室)
Comparative analysis of early embryonic dynamics of P. pacificus and C. elegans
畑中龍平さんの論文「The impact of differential transposition activities of autonomous and nonautonomous hAT transposable elements on genome architecture and gene expression in Caenorhabditis inopinata」が遺伝学の専門誌GENETICSに掲載されました。
中條桃江さんが 生命科学研究科 研究科長賞を受賞されました。